Pharmacy Information

On a daily basis we receive large numbers of calls relating to prescription collection and pharmacy numbers and opening times.

In order to keep the phone lines free at the surgery we would ask that you contact your pharmacy directly regarding queries relating to the collection of prescriptions.

Your pharmacy contact details can be found on the sticker on your most recent prescription.

If you are on regular medication it may be a good idea to store this number on your mobile or write it down on a notepad by the phone for elderly relatives so they can easily contact the pharmacy if needed.

This will allow you to directly and easily find out about opening times and location of your prescription.

General Practice Pharmacists:

General Practice Pharmacists work as part of the practice team to increase flexibility and release GP time for patient facing activities.

Clinical pharmacists can develop clinical pharmacy skills to prescribe medication and hold specialist clinics.

Pharmacists aim to improve the safety and quality of prescribing by helping:

  • Review medication requests
  • Ensuring appropriate monitoring has been undertaken e.g blood tests and BP readings
  • Update the team when changes are made to treatment guidance, pharmacy services and medication recommendations
  • Reviewing repeat medication lists to ensure patients receive the best outcomes and benefits from their medication
  • Reviewing hospital discharge letters and outpatient notes and documenting hospital advice.
  • Advise on using medication recommended in the NI Formulary List
  • Reduce prescribing expenditure

Community Pharmacist Role

Community pharmacists have a wealth of clinical knowledge and have a vital role in the community as a frontline Health Care Professional.  

Pharmacists can offer consultations allowing assessment of illness to ascertain if self-managed is best or if a consultation with a GP is required.

Pharmacists not only dispense medications but also have in-depth knowledge of the medications should patients have quires especially regarding interactions.

Most community pharmacies provide services such as:

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