Mental Health Support

Mental health

Approximately 1 in 4 people will experience a mental health problem each year.  1 in 6 people in the UK will experience symptoms of depression or anxiety in any given week.

The symptoms of depression are different for everybody. As a general rule, if you're depressed, you feel sad, hopeless and lose interest in things you used to enjoy.

Anxiety can affect you both physically and mentally. How severe the symptoms are once again varies from person to person. Some people only have 1 or 2 symptoms, others have many more.

See your GP or practice based mental health practitioner if you feel you are developing a mental health problem or have been experiencing any of the above symptoms for over 2 weeks or it is starting to impact your day to day life. 

Practice based Senior Mental Health Practitioners

The surgery has two very experienced senior mental health practitioners.  

Yvonne graduated from NUI Galway in 2009 with a BSC in Psychiatric nursing.  She has worked across a number of different settings including Forensic psychiatry, acute inpatient units and recovery community mental health teams. 

Colleen graduated in 1995 from Ulster University as a mental health nurse.  She has 27 years’ experience working across a variety of services within the community mental health setting including specialist areas of addictions, eating disorders and more recently low intensity brief CBT interventions. 

The role and function of the Senior Mental Health Practitioner is to work alongside the GP in practice providing a first contact mental health service to patients. Senior Mental Health Practitioners undertake consultations with patients registered with the practice presenting with a range of mental health needs and based on a standardised assessment pathway will provide an initial formulation of need, provide clinical advice, offer initial short-term brief interventions and/or signpost to other C&V sector services. The Senior Mental Health Practitioner will refer patients with higher level complex mental health conditions directly to more appropriate Mental Health and Social Care Trust services.

If you would like to speak with our senior mental health practitioners regarding your mental health please request this at booking.  


It’s ok not to be ok.



Coronavirus has been a stressful time for everyone.
It is particularly difficult for those who have lost a loved one.
The leaflet below may be able to provide some help- it includes resources if you feel you would benefit from some extra support.

Losing a loved one with COVID-19

Self Help Leaflets


Mental Health Self Help leaflets

Good Sleep Guide

Living life to the full- online CBT

Useful websites -

Depression- Aware NI

Cruse Bereavement Counselling

Welcome | Sands Northern Ireland

What is the Lisburn Downtown Centre? - Downtown Centre


Nexus NI

Women's Aid Belfast

Relate NI

LGBT support

Transgender NI

Cara Friend – Supporting LGBTQI+ People in Northern Ireland (

Gambler's Anonymous

Dunlewey Addiction Services

Addiction NI

Ascert/Daisy Project

Carlisle House

Sister Consilio's Newry

Men's Advisory Project


Eating Disorders NI

Belfast Recovery College | Belfast Health & Social Care Trust (

Home - Cancer Lifeline

Home - PIPS Suicide Prevention Ireland (

Home | West Wellbeing Suicide Prevention | Dunmurry | Belfast

Victim Support Northern Ireland (

Aware NI - Aware NI (

Home - Stress Control

ICNI-Post-Pregnancy-Counselling-Leaflet.pdf (


Mental Health Contact Numbers

  • Samaritans Helpline                    0845 7909090
  • 24/7 Lifeline                               0808 808 8000
  • 24/7 Contact Youth                   0808 808 8000
  • CAUSE (Carers Helpline)          0845 6030291
  • Child Protection Helpline            0808 800 5000
  • Childline Helpline                        0800 1111
  • Childline NI                                0870 336 2945
  • No Fear Helpline                        0845 122 8630
  • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder  0845 120 3778
  • No Panic (10am – 10pm daily)   0808 808 0545
  • Suicide Awareness                     02890239967

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