Most appointments are initially by telephone, with a face to face appointment being arranged with you if required.  At times  face to face appointment may be booked depending on the nature of your symptom(s). If you feel you need to see or speak to a doctor please contact the surgery on the usual number (02890320777) between 8:30 and 11:00.  In the afternoon we may only have capacity to deal with emergencies due to extreme pressures on the service.  One of our reception team will take your details and the member of our team best placed to help you will phone you back.  This may be a Doctor, Nurse, Pharmacist, Physiotherapist, Mental Health worker or receptionist.  You will be offered an appointment if this is needed.  We experience high volumes of calls on a Monday and would suggest not phoning on this day if your request does not need urgently dealt with that day**If you are experiencing problems with your eye you may be able to SELF REFER to an optician via the NIPEARS scheme.**

The symptoms they manage are

  • Red eyes
  • Pain and/ or discomfort in eyes or around eye area
  • Sudden reduction in vision in one or both eyes
  • Recent onset or sudden increase in flashes/ floaters in one or both eyes
  • Suspected foreign body in the ey

The nearest optician to the practice is

BOOTS PARK CENTRE- Tel 02890 325450

Other options include

  • Specsavers park centre- Tel 02890 326868Ballyowen eyecare- Tel 02890 301184
  • Dynan Optical- 202E Andersonstown Rd- Tel 02890 682244
  • Gilroy Opticians- 210 Falls Rd- Tel 02890 310072
  • Eyeworld- Kennedy Centre- Tel 02890 300022

Before contacting the surgery for advice think '3 Before GP'

Can I?

1. Self-care

2. Use a reputable website such as NI Direct online resource

3. Seek advice/treatment from a local pharmacy

Pharmacy First Service is a service whereby patients are encouraged to consult with their community pharmacist first rather than their GP, for a list of common conditions. The aim of a Pharmacy First Service is to move activity, including consultations and advice for common conditions, from GP practices to community pharmacies.

Pharmacy First Services

  • Everyday Health Conditions
  • Emergency Hormonal Contraception
  • Uncomplicated Urinary Tract Infections (UTI) in women aged 16-64 years
  • Sore Throat Service Winter 24/25
  • Pharmacy First Pilot Service for Treatment of Shingles

Pharmacy First - Everyday Health Conditions (formerly Minor Ailments)

Approximately half of all consultations are taken by patients with conditions  that will get better on their own and are not serious.  These can often be managed by your local pharmacist or by looking at the self help leaflets.  

Pharmacies are well placed within communities and are essentially an ‘open door’ to the Health Service offering free independent health advice without the need for an appointment. One of the services that community pharmacists are trained to provide is the treatment of everyday health conditions. When a patient presents at a pharmacy with symptoms of an everyday health condition, the pharmacist establishes if the symptoms are indeed minor in which case the pharmacist can offer advice and, if necessary, recommend appropriate treatment. If the symptoms are of a more serious nature, the pharmacist will refer the patient to another healthcare professional.

Everyday Health Conditions

If you are phoning for advice regarding muscle or joint pains please ask a member of our team if you can speak to Practice Based Physiotherapist.

Many patients request to speak to a GP to discuss letters or reports.  These queries could be handled by our administration staff.  This will allow you to get the information you need quicker and will free up GP time.

Missed Appointments (DNA's)

DNA'S (Did Not Attend) have an enormous impact on the surgery, in terms of waiting times and significantly adding to delays.  We hope you can help us to reduce the number of Lost appointments.  If you need to cancel a booked appointment for the Doctor or Treatment Room, please contact the surgery by phone or on line.

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